We of the middle, we Americans that are not at the fringe, are under attack. We are under attack, Conservative America, but we must not sit still for it.
Republicans are so shell-shocked by the lack of media fairness, that they shy away from the conservative values that the News media abhor. Michael Steele has not been the Conservative voice he said he would be. Here in New Jersey, Chris Christie has begun his campaign by fawning all over the most radical, spend-crazy President in WORLD HISTORY. Republicans act like they don't want to say what they stand for.
Here is what CONSERVATIVES stand for, Mr. Steele nationally, Assemblyman Jay Webber in GOP headquarters in Trenton, and GOP nominee Christie. You don't have to be a Republican to hold these views, but the GOP historically has been the Conservative party. We're not so concerned with party affiliation in this moment.
This is about the building American Conservative Movement. We know what we are about, we embrace and will not negotiate our values.
They are:
2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
Limited Government.
States Rights.
Fiscal Responsibility.
Family values and protecting marriage.
Freedom of religious expression.
Illegals OUT.
Secure borders.
Strict interpretation of the Constitution--no legislating from the bench.
We must go on the offensive and attack them with purpose, directly, constantly, and in number.
And we have the numbers. If you doubt me, go to http://www.rasmussenreports.com and see what people are saying.
They say that America is on the wrong track. They say they don't want the federal government telling them what kind of light bulbs to us. They say they don't want their health care system destroyed. They say they want an end to the Obama spending.
So, what is to be done?
Let me tell you what.
We must fight as hard as we can. In Congress, we must fight Waxman-Markey aka Cap and Trade and kill it there. If we don't, Americans, we will have federal inspectors asking us about our thermostat settings. Every small businessman in the U.S. will be strapped and be forced to downsize. Unemployment will swell. THESE ARE ECONOMIC CERTAINTIES.
We must FIGHT the Obama-care proposals in Congress. There is no emergency in our health care system, and the idea of DESTROYING an entire industry and replacing it with--GOVERNMENT--is abhorrent to the constitution. It may not even be constitutional, as Waxman-Markey may also not be. But we must fight it.
How do we fight? PHONE SENATORS. PHONE CONGRESSMEN AND CONGRESSWOMEN. FAX THEM. EMAIL THEM. WRITE THEM. Not just your own, either. Call as many of them as you have time to. They all represent you and me, too, as their legislation governs us all.
You must start this today, and you must do it often.
Our News media identify with the fringe elements of our society and will not find TRUTH for us. They won't follow stories to where they lead--if they lead to a place that is bad for Obama and for liberal politic and politicians, generally.
I'd ask them to give a listen to a little John Lennon, "Just Gimme Some Truth." Even John Lennon was looking for limited government. He came here to get away from big government Britain.
Our Entertainment media smear and mar our American ideals. They ridicule us through awful programming, politically edged movies and one-sided documentaries.
They attack their political opponents with their apparatus, rather than parse through everyone's past equally. Conservative Sara Palin was savaged by agents of the Democratic Party and the news media, while Barack Obama's associations with a black racist preacher, with a felonious building contractor in Tony Rezko who bought the Obama house for them, and A.C.O.R.N. low-lifes who stage sit-ins in banks to pressure bankers to give loans to people who cannot afford them, with a pair of low-life terrorists in Ayers and Dohrn, with low-life Governor Blagoyevich, and finally even his birth place is in question.
How about Obama's membership in the communist New Party in the 1990s?
Thus have the News and Entertainment media have we elected an interloper as President, a man whose past is so shady and uncertain that military men who question their C-in-C's origins are given a pass from hazardous duty.
In Barack Obama we have a President who won't talk about VICTORY in Afghanistan--victory is offensive to him. He embraced the would-be tyrant Zaleya after his ouster in Honduras. He is granting Iran nuclear weapons, but is disarming US. He applauds the dictators in Cuba, high-fives Hugo Chavez, the dictator in Venezuela, and sits still for a tongue-lashing by Daniel Ortega at the U.N.
His anti-white prejudices came clear in the Gates affair. He allowed his own Attorney General to say that we are a "nation of cowards on race."
If we don't act now, NOW, we may never be able to undo what these dangerous extremists will have done to our way of life and to our Constitution.
We must act now.
CONSERVATIVES ON OFFENSE! We'll start with the 1st amendment, and work our way up from there.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Conservatives On Offense
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Congratulations on this great new Blog.
Conservatives On Offense! - it's about time we Conservatives promote our political beliefs. For too long we've allowed the left and the RINOs to define us. NO MORE! We are finding our voice, and none too soon.
Spread the word and the let the difference begin right here, right now.
Tackright says:
Good start for Conservatives of NJ to begin fighting back against the Left-wing Liberals and RINO's who have taken over NJ and the Country. Look at the recent arrests: those arrested are almost all Democrats and a member of Corzine's Cabinet's home was searched, showing how corrupt this Left-wing Liberal state is. It is time the Conservatives spoke out against Corzine, the Democrats and the RINO's, who are all too compliant with with the Left-wing Liberals.
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